1. Recognized students in several activities/events:
Mileage Competition in Indy
KYLA students
KEYS students
Danyl Wallace selected to IU Molecular Science program
WMS Academic Super Bowl Students
WHS Art students taking 1st place at Winona Lake
2. Approved Milford PTO donations and donations from Frontline Maufacturing
3. Approved claims, minutes and personnel items
4. Heard a report from Mr. Metcalf on the Career and Technical program
5. Approved the financial report
6. Approved Mr. Steve Perek as the new Dean of Students for WHS for 2006-2007
7. Aproved student handbook changes for 2006-2007
8. Approved 2007-2008 school calendar
9. Approved additional textbooks for various courses and subjects for 2006-2007
10.Discussed moving the June board meeting to June 6
i heard wawasee was getting rid of junk food in the vending machines and lunch line. is this true? i don't buy it but people were wondering. who better to ask?
The new state law requires more restrictions on vending machines as well as foods on the a la carte lunch lines. This, in addition to the recent announcement by soft drink companies that they will not be selling regular soft drinks to schools, means there will be some changes for next fall.
The school district will have in place a new policy on these issues for the 2006-2007 school year.
The details have yet to be worked out.
Rumor has it that we will only be allowed to sell raw broccoli, bean sprouts and plain yogurt from the milk of yaks. :-)
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