Snow Make Up Days
Due to the unusually hard winter and school closings, Wawasee Schools will be in session on the following dates:
Monday, February 3rd for the September 30th closing (Was to be made up on January 27th, but also canceled.)
Monday, February 24th for the January 8th closing
Monday, March 24th for the January 23rd closing
Friday, May 30th for the January 28th closing (Last student day)
Monday, February 24th was originally scheduled as a Teacher Work Day. The Teacher Work Day is now canceled and classes will be in session. the last day of the second trimester will be Friday, February 28. The first day of the third trimester will be Monday, March 3rd.
The closings on January 6 and January 7 have been waived by the state and do not need to be rescheduled.
Any additional school closings will be added to the end of the school year.
To access the updated school year calendar, please click HERE.
To access the updated school year calendar, please click HERE.