The Wawascene was created by Dr. Mark Stock, former Superintendent of the Wawasee Community School Corporation. Due to its local popularity, Dr. Stock has left the blog site to future Wawasee administrators.

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Comments should be respectful and pertain to the topic posted. Comments about personnel matters should be made directly to the administrators responsible. Blog moderators reserve the right to remove any comment determined not in keeping with these guidelines.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Friday's Funnies

Open Wide...

On the morning announcements, a first grader announced, "Please get ready for a moment of silence and medication."

You Found it Where?

I teach 8th grade U.S. history. I constantly remind my students that accurate spelling is very important in social studies. Despite this, during our unit on colonization I cannot describe how many settlers were seeking religious freedom in William Penn's colon!!!

Job Opportunity

I was teaching a 2nd grade class in career education and had the students drawing pictures of themselves as adults. I put "When I grow up, I want to be..." on the board and asked the students to come to me for any other spelling they needed as they completed their pictures. Caitlin came up to me and asked how to spell " princess." After a number of other students asked for help, Caitlin was back for "whales." Since I had told the students they could draw any number of future jobs, I suspected nothing. That is, until Caitlin appeared with her elaborate drawing of a young lady in long gown and crown on a bluff by the ocean directing whales to do her bidding. You guessed it--it was labeled--When I grow up, I want to be "The Princess of Whales."

Have a great Easter Weekend!


Anonymous said...

i'm a student at whs and i was told that all the teachers today were supposed to talk about internet safety. mrs.noble was the only one who did so. i learned alot from her today.

Anonymous said...

As Assistant Principal, I know that teachers were not given any specific directions to discuss this with students. However, I know that Mrs. Noble cares a great deal about students and obviously wanted to make a difference in someones life. I am glad you shared your appreciation. This morning our staff was provided a short in-service about internet safety and how easy it is for what we all might think is secure information to be picked up on by people that do not have the best intentions. Many examples were given and a lot of information was provided the staff to educate them on blogging vocabulary and how easy it is to get information about others. It was great for all of us.

Mr. Frank

Anonymous said...

On Thursday, all of my classes discussed safety on the internet, as well as dress code and absences. I did ask my students if the other teachers had talked to them, but I realize that we are not required to do this and many teachers may have chosen not to have this discussion with the thought that others would be discussing the internet. I am glad to hear a positive student comment on our discussion, but also want students and parents to realize that this was not required and it's not that others failed to do something on that day, but only that I chose to.