1. Approved claims, minutes and personnel items
2. Heard a report on the Wawasee Middle School Mentoring Grant and Program
They learned that the grant ends next year. The goal is to expand the number of adult mentor volunteers. The number of student/mentor matches is still higher than the other mentor grant programs that are operating. Students, parents, and Bowen Center representatives attended the meeting to express their thanks for supporting the program. The next big hurdle is continuing the program after the grant ends.3. Approved the financial report
4. Approved the 2007 budget
5. Authorized Mr. Evans to make reductions in appropriations at the budget hearing
6. Approved the tax neutrality resolution (which essentially states that the tax rate to annually fund pension bonds is being taken from other funds and is not an additional tax)
7. Heard a report from the Superintendent on class sizes, Primetime funding history, ISBA conferences and upcoming insurance meetings.
8. Heard a report from the Director of Curriculum on ISTEP testing and upcoming professional development activities
Mr. Stock, do you feel a parent could make a difference by attending the School Board meeting? How would a parent attending make a difference in my child’s education?
Interesting question. I believe parents do make a difference. However, I must say that I believe that a parents best opportunity to make a difference comes from staying involved in your child's education at the classroom and PTFO level. Then, by attending an occasional school board meeting they can stay on top of the public issues and discourse that occurs at the board level.
It might be interesting for you to know that public board meetings do not require public input at all although we allow it. Board meetings must be IN public only so that the public can see and understand the issues under debate and consideration. Most school districts do allow some forum for public input although most regulate it some form or another.
Most parents have found that coming to every board meeting is a difficult schedule to keep. In fact, some think the word was misspelled. They said it should be called a "Public Bored Meeting." :-)
Regarding the Mail Journal's comment that the high numbers in 2nd grade are being looked at district wide - what about the high numbers in other grades? Third grade at Milford is up to 27 students in both classes. Other grades also have high numbers. It could be the MJ article was misleading. Hopefully high numbers at other grade levels are also being discussed.
We do watch all the enrollment trends even the year before when making our staffing decisions, but the options are still limited by the total corporation's enrollment in the fall. However, we have tried to help by adding a teacher assistant at Milford.
I feel that an assistant does not make-up for the large numbers. My daughter was in kindergarten a few years back. Her class had 29 students and an aid floated between two classrooms. It was a wasted year. Her teacher didn't realize she could read until after Christmas when I informed her. She had never had time to sit with each child and see what they could do.
Please stop spending money on staff that oversee "programs" such as AR and AM. Put teachers where they are needed.. With the children. Research shows that AR and AM don't help children (except research provided by the company trying to sell it). Research shows that class size does effect learning.
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